Wednesday, January 13, 2016

To what it has come down to...

Having the return on Mr. McMahon only means one thing. WWE is not doing well as expected. Of course you will have you loyal fan that would stick around to see the show, but others just had lost most interest. WWE needs better story writing at this time. We just cant continue to recycle stories and recreate old replicas of previous existing superstars. We need to be a little bit more original and remember that these guys where not full on replicas of old wrestlers and yes the attitude era guys may have been influenced by their older generations but they did not full on ripped off the characters. That's why they where so special and memorable. Hopefully the announcement of having Roman defending the tittle in the royal rumble is a nice fresh idea. I did not see that one coming. But lets hope that this idea turns WWE towards the right direction and see what they will do, as far as the story line goes for this event.